Hi and Welcome!  

Sharing some music here, in hope to spread some positivity, humor, soulfulness and joy.     

If you like them, please tell a friend or two.   My greatest wish is that something in these songs touches your heart and you find them worth sharing. 

I'll donate $1 from each album to music non-profits, Colorado venues and staff.   

These tunes were carefully crafted - for dancing around your kitchen and living room!   Feel free to crank them up and enjoy!

Many thanks



Why "Stone Row"?  

Riding past very old farms with my father, he explained that the stone rows were built over generations.   Every season the farmer stacked up the stones he found when tilling.  Over time, he had a stone row. 

That's how this music was made.  

Time stacked into songs.  

"To Stone" & "Star of Telluride" winners of Colorado Music Business 2021 Songwriting Contest!

I'm honored and grateful.   Proud to say that 2 of my songs were among the 8 winners, and I was the lone songwriter with 2 wins.  

Thank you COMBO!  Picture courtesy of David Barber, COMBO. 

Track #1 - "The Hard Way".

Track 2: "Star of Telluride"

I don't look it, but I'm half Irish.  My mother Mary Agnes (Ryan) Burke, spoke with faint echoes of a brogue, wore her roots proudly on her sleeve, and imparted us all with the wisdom, values, humor, common sense and b.s. detectors passed down for generations.   We identified deeply with our Irish roots.  I take after her in many ways. 

This is a true story from a visit to Telluride, CO.  When I heard the Star of the County Down's timeless melody and “stranger in a strange land meets a beauty” tale, I had to put the two together.   It is too good to languish as a museum piece.  So here's my personal version.    

Dedicated to my mother, the Star of Telluride, and to the Star of your county.  You know who she is : >    Enjoy!  

Track 3: "Wake Up the Sun"

Track 4 "Tonight's Love"

Tracks 5 & 6 - "More Livin' To Do"

Track 7: "Protect Her Lord"

Track #8: "Time"

Track 9- "Your Side of Town"

Track 10 "How Many Times a Day"

Track 11: "'till the Demolition's Done"

Track 12 - "To Stone"


Stone Row

Mike Abbass

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Acoustic blues tunes

Solo Videos - Enjoy! - More to come.